Monday, January 09, 2012

A whole lot of nothing...

We have every Monday off.  I love our Monday's. I protect them as much as I can.   We are pretty exhausted after Sunday's from the long day at church, so it's just perfect that we have that day of rest.

Today pretty much looked liked this...

7:22 - Bolt out of bed because Jackson has to leave for school in 20 minutes.
7:35 - Get Jackson a bowl of cereal. Put a coat over my pajamas. Find Jackson's backpack.
7:45 - Can't find Jackson's backpack. Put my shoes and a hat on. Find the backpack. Tell Jackson to put a long sleeve shirt on because I can't send him to school with a muscle shirt.
7:48 - Take Jackson to school.
8:05 - Get back home, take the jacket off because I'm having hot flashes. Make a cup of coffee for me. Feed Madi and Reagan.  Clean the kitchen a little.
8:45 - Sit down to have a quiet time. Love every minute of it.
9:30 - Jason's still sleeping. I go check to see if he's alive.
9:31 - Yep, still breathing.
10:15 - Go wake up Jason because I know he will be mad at himself for sleeping that long.
10:30 - Jason makes me bacon and eggs. Yum.
10:40-12:00  - Play with girls, talk with Jason, watch tv, do a load of laundry...pretty much laziness.
12:00 - I decide to make oatmeal cookies. Feeling adventurous and decide to throw a bag of white chocolate chips in. I live on the edge.
12:45 - My cookies are delicious and I find out that oatmeal is Jason's favorite.
12:46 - Pondering why I never knew that.
1:30 - Do more lazy stuff.
2:20 - Decide we probably need to go to get Jackson and go to the bank.
3:00 - PU Jackson. Yay!!!
3:15 - Bank.
3:30 - Drive by new campus at the Verizon. Huge building. Can't wait. Get extremely excited.
4:00 - Drop Jason off at home who goes for a walk while I venture out to HEB. With. 3. Children.
5:00 - Make dinner.
6:00 - Give baths. My floors are soaked.
6:25 - Read books. Watch a little tv.
8:00 - Kids are in bed. (sigh)
8:03 - Have a texting convo with my girlfriends from Houston/Dallas. Talk about crazy things. LOL a lot and miss them more.
8:45 - Realize that our day was very lazy and that I'm okay with that. We need those days.

:) Happy Monday.

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