Saturday, January 07, 2012

Good things come at 6am

I am prone to waking up at insanely early hours when I am pregnant.

But I am not pregnant.

2 nights ago, I went to bed praying that the Lord would wake me up at 6am. Like REALLY wake me up. Jason got a text at 5:59.  Coincidence?  This morning, when I woke up at 5:45 I thought there was something wrong with me. Is my blood sugar off? Did I have nightmare about being late to worship, forgetting all the lyrics and totally making a fool of myself?  (I have that dream a lot.) Did I forget to turn the oven off?  No, can't say any of those things happened.

My word for the year is Change.  That seems like a very broad word. I could change in a lot of areas. I want to become more simple. I want to have more patience. I want to lose 25lbs. I want to be more intentional. Say no more. Drink more water.  Have more discipline with money. Read my bible every single day. All these things require change.   What was I thinking!?!

But as I prayed about change I was showed 2 things:

1. The reason I struggle with change comes from a deep rooted place. Change isn't accomplished by checking things off a list and I certainly don't get a pat on the back for it. There is a reason why I resist changing.  There is a reason all the things I listed above are hard for me to do. They require me to surrender to the Lord and walk in obedience.

2. There is something that God wants to do this year and it requires me to Change, will bring Change and will Change me forever.

I don't know exactly what that is, but even as I type it I get scared and excited.  Change is exciting. Change motivates me. Change scares the crap out of me.

So, when I woke up at 5:45 this morning I remembered that this is what I asked for. Why be surprised?  I'm comitting myself to waking up at 6am every day. Even Saturday's. I am a nutcase, but I believe that the Lord wants that for me. To start my day out with Him and to end with Him.

I figured blogging about it would make it known and then you can all ask me on twitter or facebook or leave a comment every once in awhile saying "did you get up?" or "hey, are you spending time with the lord or ignoring him?" or "get up, get up, you lazy bum. You aren't going to lose that 20lbs laying in bed all day."

Any of those will work.  Now, I am rambling.  Oh and here's our cute family photo that was sent out in my MIL's Christmas cards. My hair was blonde then. Enough randomness.

Here's to change. God help me.

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