Friday, July 01, 2011

A week in the life: Friday

I saw this on someones blog recently. I thought I'd do it for a week, record what happens in my day and look back on it in 5 years and laugh. Maybe you'll join me. :) Plus, it gives you a reason to blog!

Today I woke up at 6:20 to Madi crying. After feeding her a bottle, I feel back asleep for maybe 20 minutes. Jason left for work early, so I got up to start a load of laundry. I decided to snuggle with the kids a bit before we started the craziness of getting out of the house.

I actually made my bed too. It instantly changes how my room feels, so I like doing it. Madi is getting 2 teeth in and was fussy this morning, but I had to take a shower and just let her cry it out in her bouncy chair. Jackson had Creative Arts Camp at the church today at 9:00am and we were running late. I quickly blow dried my hair and left 10 till 9:00 to find that I had 9 miles left in my Expedition. Lovely. We quickly got gas, swung by McDonald's for breakfast and made it to the church a little after 9:00. Thank God a friend of mine was outside to take Jackson in because as I was driving in to the church my iced tea fell over on me and the front seat. Since we are leaving on Monday I figured it might be good to vacuum out the car anyway. The girls and I went up the street, cleaned the car out and went back to the church to wrap up some things for Sunday and to watch Jackson's performance from his camp. The kids did such a great job and he loved every part of it. There was a hotdog celebration afterwards that I helped serve at and then we left because the kids were melting down. The kids are finally laying down to take naps and I am getting ready to send out a few emails to my worship team and get my creative juices flowing for a new series we're starting up at River City. I've promised the kids later that we will go for a swim when they wake up and then to the church to watch "How To Train Your Dragon" on the big screens. Jason will be home later this afternoon and I have got to get some laundry done before we leave for Dallas on Monday morning.

So, that's a day in my life. Nothing too exciting! Ha! What's yours look like?

1 comment:

Sandy Powers said...

Being on the other side of days like this, I can in fact promise you that one day, you will look back and read about days like this, and your heart will be warmed... You may even cry more than laugh (but in a good way) -- about how sweet the simple things in life were when your were living and loving in a family -- with little loves of your life to dote on all day :) I'm so so thankful that my grandbabies have a mommy like you! :)