Monday, August 23, 2010


We have only been married for 6 1/2 years, so I don't have a lot of room to offer tips on a successful marriage, but I think we are doing pretty good.

Before we got married, Jason was heavily involved in ministry as the youth pastor. When we got married we both (pretty quickly) were in ministry full time. We've had 2 kids in 6 years and one on the way.

Life does not slow down at the Powers house. Ever.

However, I love our life. I love the ups and downs too because we have learned a lot from them. There is so much involved in our lives that it can be easy for me to see it all jumbled together, but I recently decided I would capture what the Lord has done in our short time.

Lessons I've learned (that I don't want to EVER forget):

*Be on the same side of the table. We aren't enemies, so fight for each other. Not against.
*Choose your battles. This is so true and I have seen it work.
*Plan dates. It just doesn't happen out of then air. I used to think it would...but it doesn't.
*Don't hint. Period.
*Be best friends.
*Make him grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup....cause that's his favorite.
*Know each others Love Languages...
Jason's love languages are Acts of Service and Affirmation. Jason loves it when he comes home to a clean home and loves it even more when I have affirmed his decisions or conversations he has had with people...even our children.
*Be affectionate. A hug & a kiss go a long way everyday.
*Support one another when hard times come.
*Make good financial decisions. There is nothing worse than fighting about money. So be smart.
*Put God first. Always, always, always, always.

I hope I remember all these things. Sometimes I forget even though I've lived them! I love my husband more than anything. He is in so many ways my prince charming. Sometimes I want to kick him, but I can't imagine my life without him. I am so thankful for a husband who really loves me, but loves God more.


Unknown said...

Favorite blog post ever. Not just here, anywhere. You are an amazing, amazing woman simply for putting up with me. Man... what a lucky guy. I love you.

Dave said...

Natalie, you have outlined exactly what makes a great marriage, and if you continue to follow that outline for 10,25 or even 50 years from now, your marriage will be even stronger. I love your positive outlook that you pass on each day.

Daniel said...

Great stuff Nat. I still remember seeing Jason's face watching you walk down the aisle. You guys are a special couple and I love that yall are part of Amanda and my community.