Thursday, July 01, 2010

God, Rain and Chocolate Faces

This morning I got up and did a quiet time. It was 6:30, I couldn't sleep and I realized that I really needed to have some Jesus time. The rain made it so much sweeter. I came into work today and saw this outside my window.

I must admit that it was a little tough for me to want to be here today. I love our church. I love the people I work with. I love it all, but the weight of ministry can be overwhelming for me when I seem to have so much on my mind these days. But this morning I was reminded that anything will be overwhelmed when it is wearing the weight of the world on it's shoulders. When it is relying on it's own strength and not of God's.

The rain somehow reminds me that God is an all powerful, providing and loving God. And if He created the earth, the sun & stars, then why would I not trust Him? I don't think God ever intended for any of us to carry a heavy weight. Ministry can be overwhelming. Life. Finances. Our marriages. For example, our kids require attention, love and direction. Sometimes even that can turn into a heavy weight, but it's not ours to carry. I hold on to too much. Way too much.

On a side note, this little girl is growing up way too fast. She is so dang cute though. She gets into everything. She's bossy. Tell's Jackson "No!" and when she is mad at him she yells, "Son! Stop that!". But she's my sweet girl. My sweet girl who can wear ponytails now. Who wants to snuggle with us every morning. Who loves her daddy. Who would rather eat peanut butter than carrots. Who's big blue eyes melt every heart. I can't believe that in about 3 months she will be 2.
you see a picture like this one below. I have no idea where she got that chocolate from. And you know why she easily can drive one crazy....but then again love her and want to kiss all the chocolate right off her face. She's a girl after my own heart. For sure.


Breanna said...

Reagan is painfully cute. I miss your kids!

Jennifer C said...

Those pics of Reagan are that little girl!! :)