Sunday, April 25, 2010

I have no pictures, but I have great stories.

Okay, you see...I suck and have no pictures for the birthday week. Cause that's all that really mattered last week. (Try and believe that there IS heavy sarcasm with that) I have pictures of Jack & Rae's Fiesta Floats, but that needs to be a post by itself because of the insanity of just making those things for a 19 month & 4 year only see them get thrown in the back of my car after they used it for 2.5 minutes ....but whatever. I will show you those pictures later.


Anywho, my week was FANTASTIC. No, seriously. It was. To be honest with you I never make a big deal out of my birthday. Jason and I go out usually, but this whole "birthday week" business has never come up before. I jokingly referred to it that way because of the little things that I was being "surprised" with all week. But now that I have experienced a birthday week...

GAME ON. It will be like that every year. You better believe it.


Kind of.

First, I was blessed beyond belief with this beautiful thing. I will not give names, but this someone special said that it was a gift from God and to say nothing more. So, that's all I'll


Second, my friend (and our pastor's wife), Lauri, took me to this awesome little place downtown. It's one of my favorite places to go in the world. I love it and we had such a great time together.

Then, I got to go to here with my Mom on Wednesday. We sat outside, ate lots of food and Reagan got a pat on the head from the Mayor who was sitting next to us. You know, just normal day to day stuff that happens in the life of Natalie.

Wednesday night I was too tired (and sick) to go out, so we flipped a coin and had pizza. However, it was really good.

then i made fiesta floats. boo....(that sentence doesn't even deserve proper capitalization)

Friday, we had an awesome dinner at our friends house. The food was outstanding and the company was even better (and seriously the food was SOOO good)

Saturday, I had the Beth Moore conference. This had nothing to do with my birthday, but I'll just pretend it did. I woke up at 6:00 am to get ready and was out the door by 6:30 so I could get some vocalizing done. I know that sounds really weird, but I literally had no voice and didn't know what to expect since I was singing that morning. I got in the car and my cute, white, linen dress ripped. Dude. So, I went to Walmart because that is the only place open at 6:30 am. I found a really cute little jacket and THESE jeans. I'm a big boned, tall girl (I can "securely" say that.) and have a hard time finding jeans that I think look okay on me. I loved these. I seriously could not believe that I found a pair of jeans that I liked there. And they were only $20. ANDDDD...I had so many compliments on them. The conference was amazing. AMAZING. I definitely am saying "So Long, Insecurity".

So you should all have birthday weeks and buy jeans from Walmart.

The end.


Jennifer C said...

Ha ha ha...your last sentence is my favorite!! Add that to your life lessons...:) xoxo

anja said...

Oh my gosh, I had noticed that your jeans looked fantastic! I never would have guessed Walmart. :)

Kara said...

I'm so glad you had a super birthday week - and WOW on the mixer!!!! I love mine, but it has started to make some funny noises lately (she's 7 years old). I hope she lasts many more years :)

Sandy Powers said...

Yes. You deserved to have an entire week of celebrating YOU! I'm glad you had so many people make it so special.