Monday, March 29, 2010


Oh it's been a little busy in our world lately.

I think I say that literally every time I write a blog post. Even if I don't say it I am thinking it.

However, today we made ourselves slow down and be a family.

-Jason let me sleep in until 8 am. I never sleep that late. EVER. It was most awesome. I love my hubby!

-We did some MUCH needed yard work. The kids played while we worked. We are ready to burn the whole thing down and start all over, but the progress we did make was huge. I am excited for our plans. :) (But reminding myself that it is "baby steps")

-Took the kids to Costco for a cheap lunch and to walk around. I seriously love that place and it's easy to take the kids there.

-Went to look and shop for plants at Milberger's. Love that place too!

-Put the kids down for a nap. Sweet peace.

-Jason got a hair cut.

-I worked on some Easter stuff for Sunday.

-Watched the Discovery Channel and learned that a bear sleeps while giving birth to quadruplets. What??? Oh yes, she sleeps and then wakes up to see them all their waiting for her. Insane, I know....

-Did more yard work before dinner.

And now here I am..getting ready to make dinner. I will wake up tomorrow and begin to work on getting everything ready for the weekend. By the way, have I mentioned how EXCITED I am about Easter this year. It's going to be sweet. We're going to worship, celebrate Jesus and see Him lifted up! Hope you can come!

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