Behold, The Mustache. I know. You're afraid too.
Jackson's first day at school was AWESOME! We were so proud of him! I think I was more nervous than he was and his teacher may or may not have noticed that I got choked up a little when I dropped him off. I also didn't leave his jacket for the poor boy and they had recess. Already a bad mother on his first day.
Today has been my first day at home by myself in our new house. I think. I don't know actually. All the days run together lately. I know that yesterday I went to Costco for cottage cheese and then came out with 5 things I didn't need. By the way, have you ever eaten their hotdogs? They are probably the most unhealthy things in the world, but they it's a $1.50 for a hotdog and a coke. (I just said coke. Here in Texas that means whatever kind of carbonated beverage you want. Any kind of soda or pop....but, I digress.)
Anyway, today is first day that I remember being home alone.
I am overwhelmed by God's goodness and how is continuing to teach me to trust in Him. It's exciting to be a part of what God is doing in New Braunfels and I believe that He has a lot to teach us in 2013. I love the people here and that we are all passionate about His church. I love that so much.
The best is yet to come. :)
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