Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faith vs. Fear

Here is how the past 2 weeks have gone for Jason and I.

Monday - Wednesday: Had to pay doctor bills that weren't covered for some reason. Went into savings for that and a gym cancellation that they ended up billing us for.

Thursday - Friday: Spent 2 days at a doctors office, gave breathing treatments around the clock, lived on little sleep.

Monday: Someone hit our van that we were trying to sell and didn't leave any information. We spent our whole day off trying to deal with that. :(

Tuesday: Jackson woke up vomitting and has a stomach virus. Poor thing has now been sick with some kind of "something" since last Wednesday!

I would expect myself to be completely defeated...and this morning I was, but the Lord keeps bringing me to my knees and reminding me about faith through His word.

Mark 5 "Why are you afraid? Don't you trust me?"

"I might weep, but still my faith rests in you." All I Have (song)


Michelle said...

oh girl, I've been so behind on everything. I'm so sorry for the situation at hand, when it rains it pours. you guys are in my prayers, God will take care of you and you know that. I love all 4 of you!

Our Story: Continued said...

What a week! I hope things get better. :( I didn't know you had a van?